Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tomato Tom-AH-to

It's tomato season! I remember picking tomatoes off the vine in my Mother's garden as a little girl. Pick. Wash. Salt. Eat. Ah, those were the days. 

For many years, I could not figure out why store bought tomatoes tasted so differently than I remembered. Why they were so bland? And while even though they appeared ripe, why were they tough? Why are garden grown tomatoes so much better than grocery store tomatoes? Well, I'm glad you asked. 

I won't bore you with the FDA's definition of a "ripe" tomato. But the bottom line is, once tomatoes are harvested, they are exposed to a "ripening agent" a.k.a. Ethylene gas. Ethylene gas occurs naturally in many fruits and vegetables as a growth hormone. Critics (and me) will argue that this "ripening agent" merely reddens the tomato and does not advance the cellular maturity of the fruit. Thus, a tomato that looks ripe but is tough and flavorless. 

Kitchen Houdini's suggestions: 

  • Buy tomatoes from your local farmer's market, road-stand or produce co-op.
  • Buy only what you will eat within the next 3-5 days.
  • Choose tomatoes that are free of major blemishes, not mushy and heavy for their size.
  • Go ahead...smell it! Not at the stem but at the bottom. It should smell...well, like a tomato. 
  • Do NOT refrigerate your tomatoes! Ever wonder why refrigerated tomatoes are mealy? The culprit is a compound called Z-3 hexenel, which accounts for the tomato's smell and taste.
  • Store tomatoes on a flat surface and out of direct sunlight or heat.
  • Splurge on Heirloom tomatoes. You won't regret the investment! 

I love Jamie Oliver. Gotta love a recipe called "The Mothership"! The Mothership Tomato Salad on the Food Network

Bon Appetite! 

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